Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Book Exchange

You can send your book exchange book to school any time this week!  If you dont' want to bring it until party time ~ that's fine too!  I have a spot in the room for them if you want to go ahead and send it in though. 

See you all tonight at the musical! :o)

Friday, December 10, 2010


The Measurement II Test grades are in the grade book. I am so proud of the students’ test grades. We have started the Multiplication Unit followed by the Division Unit. Third grade students are expected to:

Recognize and solve problems in multiplication situations.
Learn and apply multiplication facts through 12 by 12 using concrete models.
Solve and record multiplication problems (up to two-digits times one-digit).
Before the end of the year we will introduce up to two-digits times two-digits.

We have already started working with arrays to help learn the multiplication facts. I cannot stress enough how important it is for your child to memorize all the multiplication facts through 12 x 12. Please use any strategy that works best for your child. Some children may need flash cards while others may need to write them several times each. There are many games and practice websites on-line. Just google multiplication facts to find sources. To stay on target, we will cover at least two facts per week. Here is the order of facts I plan to follow: multiply by 2, 4, 5, 10, 0, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12. I will give non-graded quizzes each week for practice. This week we will cover the 2‘s and 4’s facts. Next week we will cover the 5’s and 10’s facts. I'll keep you updated with our facts as we go :o)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

reading strategies

I sent home most of the reading passages today, ungraded.  I was disappointed when I saw that many were turned in without underlining the answers (or evidence for the answers) for each question.  Many just underlined the answers that were "easy to find."

Every single question has some sort of evidence in the passage.  It may not be a "right there answer" where the answer is written in the exact same words as the correct answer choice, but there is some sort of clue that leads you to the right answer.  In other words, there is a reason why you think the right answer is the right answer. 

I told the kids that they need to go back and find the evidence for every question and bring them back to me tomorrow.  This is something that we have talked a LOT about in class, and they should know what the expectation is.  This is also an objective that the state of Texas wants us to focus on in our classrooms this  year because they have found that college students are having a hard time proving theories based on research.  In elementary school, we are starting this skill at a very basic level so they can continue to build on it each year they are in school.

Our reading passage strategies are in the documents section on my DragonSpace page.  You can print this out as a copy to use at home! :o)

Monday, December 6, 2010


Lots of information on DragonSpace today!  In the calendar section I have our holiday activities posted, review pages for the math test tomorrow, the newsletter, and information about next week's social studies test.  (A review sheet will be coming home shortly!)  I am also going to post the new rubric that I am going to use to grade their second stories that we are publishing next week.  It will be in the Writing section under Documents.  It is labeled "Raising the Quality of Narrative Writing."

Also, I am sending home a copy of the math benchmark we took along with a letter.  I am sending this home so that YOU can see the expectations of the TAKS test in the spring because I know for some of you this is going to be your first experience with the test.  I do not need this test returned, it is simply for your information.  (I'm not sending home the reading benchmark because it looks just like the reading passages you have been seeing every week!)  I will be sending home letters with the scores from the reading benchmark AND the math benchmark as well as tutoring information next week.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Math Test

We reviewed perimeter, area, and time in class today!  I sent home a couple of things to help you help your child study for this test:

1) The Math Book ~ use the pages mentioned on the calendar part of my DragonSpace to review any concepts that your child is having a hard time with.

2) Volume Worksheets ~ I graded their volume homework and an activity they did yesterday and sent these home for you to use to review.  I don't need these back.  I just thought it would be a good way to help study!

Test is Tuesday!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Math Test Next Week

Details are on the calendar on DragonSpace for our Math Test next week.  You will see page numbers in the textbook they can study.  I will start sending their books home tomorrow so that they can study at home if needed, but we  will also be reviewing in class everyday.  Just wanted you to know it was there :o)

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Our week to do CES announcements is the week after Thanksgiving.  I've listed everyone that said they wanted to do the announements on a schedule and posted that in the Documents section of my DragonSpace.  If your child's name is missing, they told me that they did not want to do the announcements.  If this changes, please let me know and I can add them to the schedule ~ no problem! 

On a personal note, thank  you again for your love, support and prayers.  I've been showing all of your cards, emails, and notes to Matt at home, and we both feel so loved.  I realize that this is a part of my life journey, and when I look back and reflect on this part of my life,  you (and your children!) will be a huge part of my story.  Thank you.

Monday, November 15, 2010


The newsletter is posted on my DragonSpace as well as the information about Thursday's Math Test (in the calendar section.)

Due to personal reasons, I am going to stop Math and Reading Clubs until after the holidays.  This will also give me some time to go through our Math Benchmark and Reading Benchmark to form new groups for the new year.

On a personal note, than you for your emails, cards, flowers, hugs, etc. This is by far the worst thing I have ever had to deal with, and I'm unsure what my next steps will be in this healing process.  Hopefully spending Thanksgiving break with my family will give me some time to mourn and heal.  Matt and I both greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers during this time.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Monday!

Don't forget:  Our math test is tomorrow.  We reviewed in class today, and it seems like everyone has been practicing at home!  They should do great tomorrow :o)

Also:  The newsletter is on my DragonSpace.

Thursday and Friday: I will be out of town Thursday and Friday this week because I will be attending a conference in the Woodlands.  PLEASE make sure you call the office with any transportation changes because I will not be here to check my email.  And Math Club will be cancelled this week as well :o)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Math Test Next Week

One more way you can help your child ctudy for the math test on Tuesday is to let them help you cook!  (I know ~ easier said than done!)  Capacity is a hard concept to understand.  The customary units we are focusing on are cups, pints, quarts, and gallons.  Using real life examples in the kitchen would be a great way for them to figure out which units of measurement to use for objects that are not right in front of them!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Math Test on Tuesday

We are going to have a measurement test on Tuesday!  Now that we're getting used to DragonSpace, I'm going to start posting the details of these tests on my calendar section.  You will see that the test itself is already posted, and I'm going to add the description of what to focus on as soon as the test is written!  (We are working on it right now!)  That way it should be a one stop shop for you. Everything you need to know about the test will be in one spot!


I have just added fliers for the upcoming Veteran's Day Assembly and Dragon Pride Assembly in the Documents section of my DragonSpace.  Check them out!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sugar Coma

Today was probably the most relaxed day we've had so far this year!  I think that everyone had so much fun last night that we are still recovering!

If your child is having a hard time with the math homework tonight, don't get frustrated!  Weight is a VERY difficult concept for them to reason with when they don't have the objects to weigh right in front of them.  We have just started to scratch the surface!

The Social Studies review came home in their Take Home folders today. The test was written exactly from this review.  However, we do know more about some of these terms than just the given definitions.  Challenge your child to tell you all they know about these vocabulary words!

I posted the link for the Diabetes Walk at Rockenbaugh on Wednesday under the Breaking News section of the CES website.  Check it out!

The newsletter is on my DragonSpace!

Friday, October 29, 2010


Pictures of our class are going to be posted at http://wilsonswondrous3rdgraders.shutterfly.com/

Just click on the link and register for a Shutterfly account if you don't already have one!  Right now there are field trip pictures posted :o)

Have a great Halloween Weekend!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Social Studies Test

We are going to have a vocabulary test on Thursday next week.  Review sheets will be coming home on Monday!  And they will be able to use their books as well! :o)

Book Parade Tomorrow!

Book Parade is tomorrow at 1:45.  We will be eating lunch in the room during our normal lunch time at 12:50.  We will also be using lunch time to change into costumes, get ready, etc. Remember, this year we can dress up, carry the actual book with us, and carry a prop!

The parade should be over about 2:15.  I'm thinking that I will have a sign out sheet for you to sign out your kids when we are finished!

See you tomorrow!

Construction Update

Dear Parents,

If you have not been by the school today, I am happy to report that the construction fence is starting to go up! The back of our school does look like Halloween with the orange and black fencing surrounding our new bus drive. As soon as everything is cleared by the city….let the digging begin! : ) that, is the good news. The sad news is that our site-based committee voted to NOT have our traditional Grandparents and other Special Peoples Day luncheon. This has been a tradition at Carroll Elementary since before I arrived. Simply put, there is no way for us to accommodate as many guests as we have had in the past. It would not be a safe and feasible parking situation. The good news is, next year we will be bigger and better. Thank you for your understanding and patience as CES continues to grow and serve your children.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or call.

Stacy S. Wagnon

Carroll Elementary School



Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Website Survey

Please take a moment and visit the website posted beolow.  This is a Carroll ISD survey regarding Expenditure Reduction.  The more input we have from all of you, the better informed the decision makers in our district will be when making decisions about our budget.  It might take a little while, but the information that CISD receives from you is so important when making decisions about how to cut programs, jobs, and what to SAVE!  Thank you so much!


Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Announcements

Today we looked at 2 study sheets for our test on Wednesday. 

We also wrote down our assignments and specials schedule in our new planners!  Everyone should have our entire week mapped out in their planners.

Don't forget the newlsetter is now posted on my DragonSpace site!

Book Parade is on Friday at 1:45. Don't forget we are dressing up as our book characters and we can carry a prompt!  (Instead of posters like we did last year.)  We are using our Book Parade books in class during Reader's Workshop for different character activities.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Book Parade Books

I forgot to remind the kids to bring their book parade books to school on Monday.  So sorry!

Next Week

We are going to have a Science Test on Wednesday next week over rocks.  We have been studying the different kinds of rocks for the past few weeks.  On Monday, we are going to do a couple of reviews that will be sent home.  In addition to the reviews, they will be able to use the science book to answer the questions!

Book Parade: Looks like we are going to be starting a 1:45 on Friday afternoon.  I look forward to seeing everyone's costumes and props!  If possible, send the chosen books to school on Monday since we will be using these books next week to continue our character unit.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Yearbook Orders

Yearbook Orders are due TOMORROW!  If you've lost it, there is one on the CES website that you can download.  The Yearbook Cover Contest pictures are also due tomorrow.  I've turned in all the order forms and contest drawings that have been turned in.


First of all, thank you so much for your sweet notes and thoughts!  Matt and I are ecstatic!  I have been waiting to share this news with all of you! (For those of you that I saw at Beach Club yesterday ... I was exhausted and my stomach was starting to do flip-flops inside me.  Thank you for coming over to celebrate with me!)

Second, in the excitement of yesterday, I forgot to explain the writing scores that came home in Wednesday folders yesterday.  Since they wrote their stories on notebook paper, the stories themselves do no copy very well.  I have posted the stories outside the classroom.  You are free to come and read these ANYTIME you want to!  Please let me know if you have any questions about these grades.  Writing uses a different part of our brains than any other school work that we do!  I am so proud of the hard work that everyone put into their stories!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday's Announcements!

Calendars: Our calendars are here! I'm going to label them and get them ready for you! Your child will keep the calendar in their take home folder. I will staple a "Key for Minor Behavior Violations" to the front inside cover of the calendar. Each student will be responsible to write down their daily homework assignments and up coming events. Please check your child's calendar to monitor behavior or assignment issues.

Newsletter: This week's newsletter is on my DragonSpace!  Make sure to check this as well as the calendar to keep track of upcoming events and assignments.

Writing Celebration Tomorrow:  We are having a small, in class writing celebration.  As the year goes on, these will grow bigger and bigger, but tomorrow's celebration is going to be just the class.  I have a couple that haven't finished publishing.  I will be here around 7:30 tomorrow morning if they want to come in and work on it.

Book Parade Information:
On Friday, October 29, CES will have a book parade. Your child is encouraged to dress up like a favorite book character. Their character needs to be from a book they have read, either at home or at school. All clothing must be in accordance with school dress code. Your child may carry the book and a prop with them if they would like to. (We will make posters together in class, but these will not be a part of the book parade!  The posters WILL be a part of our character study during Reader's Workshop!)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Today and Monday

We had a GREAT day today on the field trip!  Thank you for everyone that came to help!!

We are having another Ranger Day on Monday.  Wear your Ranger gear or Ranger colors!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tests on Thursday!

We will have a Math test and a Social Studies test on Thursday, October 21.

The Adding and Subtracting Unit Test includes the following concepts:
1. Estimate Sums & Differences
2. Two-digit Addition & Subtraction
4. Adding & Subtracting Money
5. Adding & Subtracting Three-Digit Numbers
6. Subtract Three-Digit Number with Regrouping
7. Subtract Across Zeros
8. Select addition or subtraction to solve word problems. (The word ABOUT means to estimate before adding or subtracting.)
We have been working on all of these in class!  And we will continue to work on them next week as well.
The Social Studies test will be open book, and we will provide page numbers for each question.  Again, we are working on our Reading Detective Skills.  There is nothing to prepare for at home!  This test will also be MUCH shorter than the last one! :o)

Tonight's Homework

Tonight's Writing Homework is very different!  I think it will be fun though!  We are reviewing nouns on a website called Power Proofreading.  The website is on the handout that I sent home,  you can search for it in search engine, or your can click on the Power Proofreading Link on my blog (llok to the right) or on my DragonSpace!

As you will see on the handout, there seems to be a compatibility issue with Macs.  If this happens to you, or you experience other technical difficulities that turn this into a frustrating activity instead of something fun, just jot down a note on the handout they are using for the directions.  I will definitely still take the homework, and we can find some time in class to work on it! 

When the assignment is completed, there are two spots for you to initital to let me know that the assignment was completed. 

Have fun!  (And like I said, if it turns into something frustrating, do not worry about it!  Just write it down on that piece of paper :o))

Field Trip Tomorrow!

First of all, I think there is something wrong with my email.  I've had a hard time replying to a couple of your email about tomorrow's field trip because ... well there is something definitely wrong with it!

Coolers: Nicole Felberbaum said she can bring a big cooler for lunches tomorrow.  I think that should be enough because my hope is that not everyone will need to keep their lunches in there.  We will definitely  need to keep the cafeteria lunches in there because they have milk! 

Picnice Blankets:  Meredith Allen is bringing one picnic blanket.  Chaperones:  If you have any more that you can bring with you, that would be great!

Chaperones:  I've divided everyone into groups.  If you could help me out by keeping a head count of the students in your group during the day, that would be a great help to me!  I will give you a piece of paper when I see you tomorrow with the groups listed, and I have name tags for each child.  I even color coded them based on their groups.  Your own child is also in your group!  There are only 3-4 kids in each group.  Thank you so much for coming with us!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I hope you all had a great 3 day weekend!  I know I really enjoyed the extra day :o)  I have a lot to tell you today:

1) The newsletter is now posted on my DragonSpace site (you can click the DragonSpace link to the right, find the post with the exacty site somewhere below, or click on the link on the CES webpage).  Once you search for our school and me, go to "Documents."  You will find the newsletter under the "Weekly Newsletter" section of "Documents."  These will not be emailed every week.

2) No spelling this week due to our short week AND our Friday Field Trip!

3) Please look one more time through all of the papers that came home last week for missing picture orders!  We are still missing a few

4) Wednesday Folders Tomorrow:  I am sending home an assignment called "I Remember ..."  We finished our first reading unit today, and we spent some time talking about everything we have learned so far.  Then, we wrote down 5 things we remember on a piece of notebook paper.  These 5 statements are pledges we made to ourselves to remember everytime we read a book.  Please spend some time reading over this and talking about it with your children when it comes home tomorrow.  I had a huge smile on my face when I was grading them because I was able to see, not only what they have picked up, but I was able to gain some insight about what is important to each of them as a reader.  By reading over this assignment you will be able to get a glimpse of what we have been working on everyday! :o)

5) Field Trip Chaperones:  Please let me know if you can bring a picnic blanket or a  cooler for lunches on the field trip.  I know we will have one picnic blanket!

6) Filed Trip Lunches: The easiest thing to pack for a lunch would be something dipsoable that doesn't need to be returned home.  We will be eating outside, so we will not have any microwaves to heat up food.  I do have a few students that have ordered a lunch from the cafeteria.  The cafeteria comes with milk ~ hence the need for a cooler!

Whew!  I think that's it! 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Post-It Notes and Reading Announcement

The big emergency in Mrs. Wilson's class today was that we ran out of sticky notes!!  This is a really good problem to have because we have been using sticky notes to leave tracks of our thoughts in our just right books.  And we have done so much work these past few weeks!  I'm going to buy some more this weekend, but I'm not sure I can keep up with the pace of the class on my own.  If you find yourself at the store this weekend, and happen to think about it, Post-It note donations would be greatly appreciated!

Speaking of reading, I wanted to remind you about reading at home.  First, I hope you are finding the new reading logs much easier to use! :o)  Second, 30 minutes a night is not just a requirment for Dragon Pride.  Research shows that students need to read an hour and a half everyday just to maintain grade level.  We take care of about 30-45 minutes of this each day during reader's workshop.  And we pick up another 15 minutes or so by reading word problems, our social studies books, announcements and assignments that are in written form, etc.  The rest of the time should be taking place during their reading time at home every night.  I was reminded of this information at a meeting last week, and so I wanted to pass it on to you.

I hope you have a great 3 day weekend!  I'm excited about our field trip next week!!!  Oh ~ and report cards are coming home today.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Note from Volunteer Coordinator:

A big thanks to all the parents who signed up to volunteer to help Mrs. Wilson with copying and stuffing Wednesday folders. Volunteers: Please go to Volunteerspot.com to register and see our online volunteer calendar. If you did not have a chance to sign up to volunteer during "Meet the Teacher" or "Curriculum night" - it's not too late! Please let me know. Also, if you haven't sent in your class directory information, please send in so we can send home a class list.  (Note from Mrs. Wilson: I can't attach the roster on here!  So I will email you what she has so far!)

Mary Beth Murphy

Picture Mix-Up

The picture order forms got mixedup yesterday in the Wednesday folders.  We were able to fix MOST of them this morning, but please make sure to check everything that came home yesterday and return the picture order forms back to school so we can finish switching them out!  Thank you!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Almost Finished with Our First Personal Narrative!

I am so proud of the writing your children have been working on.  They are so excited to share their stories that they can't STOP writing sometimes!

I just posted the rubric that I am going to use to grade their stories when they are done.   You can find this on my DragonSpace page under "Documents."  (The Dragon Space link is on the right if or listed in on of my blogs from last week.)  As you will see, some of the grade will come from the actual writing process they have been using these past few weeks, not just the actual finished product. 

Once we have our celebration, I will post the writing outside in the hall for you so see whenever you visit next, and I will send home their scores.  I'm excited to see their final products!!!!  I can't wait!

Boosterthon Reminder

Dear CES Families:

Our Boosterthon Fun Run was a tremendous success this past week. We appreciate all the parents, family members and friends, who joined us at the Fun Run to cheer on our Dragons. We are delighted to report that based on pledges reported ... we will exceed our goal by nearly 33%. This is tremendous news, so thank you so much for your support of our Fall fundraiser.

But, we still need your help ... to ensure we do exceed our goal, we must collect all pledges. Boosterthon collection envelopes came home last Friday and are due this week. This email is a reminder to please send in all pledges by Friday, October 8. Checks are payable to CES PTO.

Thanks again for your tremendous support of Boosterthon. We greatly appreciate your generosity and commitment to CES!!!

Michelle Clay & Michelle Moore

Co-Chairs of the CES Boosterthon

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Reading Homework Tonight

I reminded everyone as we were walking out today, but I need your help!  I told the kids that if I didn't see their Reading Detective Strategies (underlining the evidence in the passage, labeling each piece of evidence with Q1, Q2, etc.) that I was going to give their packet right back to them to fix before I graded it.  One of our 3rd grade objectives from the state is finding evidence for each question.  Soon this will be a habit, but right now we are trying to MAKE it a habit! :o)

Have a great night!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Due This Week

Don't forget to turn in the Field Trip Permission Slips!  I'm still missing a few.   Also, Boosterthon money is due this Friday!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday Announements

I have a lot to tell you today!

First, the Boosterthon collection envelopes were sent home today in their Take Home Folders. The collection due date is Friday!

Second, you should also see a pink slip of paper with information about Reading Club and Math Club which start next week.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this!

Third, DragonSpace is now up and running!  No official word has been given yet about this, but it will eventually be taking the place of newsletters.  You can bookmark http://DragonSpace.southlakecarroll.edu/webPages (notice there is no www and the "P" in "Pages" must be capitalized) OR click on the DragonSpace link to the right of this blog.  In order to find me, click on schools, selct CES, them you'll have to scroll all the ywa to the bottom to find my name.  Feel free to look through it to see all the fun stuff you can find!

Fourth, I know a few of you are waiting for me to reply to some emails.  I have not even sat down the past couple of days!  I will get back to you this weekend!  I promise I'm not ignoring you ~ Boosterthon must have gotten to me! :o)

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fun Run and Reading Logs

Don't forget!  Our Fun Run time is 10:30 tomorrow.  We would all love to see you cheering us on as we run our laps.

Also, Reading Logs are due this Friday.  I know they bring them to school with them everyday, but I need your help totaling the "at home" reading minutes.  When your child finishes reading on Thursday night, help them add the "at home" reading minutes and write the total in the space provided.  They should have 600 minutes if they are reading 30 minutes every night.  600 minutes is the total needed to receive Dragon Pride Reader each six weeks.

On Friday I am going to give them a new reading log that should be easier to record home minutes and school minutes :o)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Field Trip

I sent home information about our Third Grade field trip to downtown Grapevine. Please read the information, let me know if your child is bringing a lunch or ordering a sack lunch from the cafeteria, and sign the permission slip. We are also looking for chaperones. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Social Studies Test on Friday

This Friday we are having a Social Studies vocabulary test. As I receive more information about the specifics of this test, I will keep you updated!

Math Test Thursday

Math Mid Chapter Test: (Thursday, September 30th) The test will cover the following concepts:

Addition Properties- commutative property of addition, Identity Property of Addition and Associative Property of Addition (Students will be allowed to use the foldables we made in class on the test.)

Word Problem Examples:

1. Joy has 10 toy care, 5 toy trains, and 8 toy airplanes. How many toys does she have in all?

2. Janet bought a box of candy with 12 different colors. Her friend Nancy bought a box of candy containing 21 different colors. Together, how many candies do they have?

3. Janet paid $16.26 for her candy and Nancy paid $18.00. What was the total cost?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Scholastic Book Order

Scholastic Catalogs and a letter from me (also posted below) are coming home today!  This month's catalog has some fun Halloween and fall books.  I will place our order on Monday to make sure that the books arrive in time!  (I know many of you are waiting on Highlights that you ordered ~ I'm going to see what I need to do to check on this for you !)

Online Ordering Information

Web address: scholastic.com/bookclubs

Class Activation Code: H8FNH
Dear Parent,
Now it’s easier than ever to find the perfect books for your child—shop our NEW online Book Clubs Web site. Choose from a much-wider selection of books than in the printed flyer. Plus, you can send your orders directly to me online and use your credit card to pay.

Best of all, we earn a FREE book for the classroom library every time a parent places an order online.

It’s so simple! Here’s how it works:

SIGN UP at www.scholastic.com/bookclubs. On the parent page, register by clicking click the “Don’t have a user name or password?” link. When prompted, enter the one-time Class Activation Code shown above. This unique code ensures that your order is sent to me.

SELECT the books you’d like to order—choose from thousands of titles—many more than in our monthly flyers.

SEND your order to me online by the due date and your child’s books will be delivered directly to my classroom.

Ordering online is fast, easy, and secure.

Of course, you can still order using the form from the printed flyer. But why not see for yourself how convenient it is to order online?

Art Teacher Help

Hello Helpful Parents!

Our awesome Art teacher, Sue Cosgrove, desperately needs our help and you DON’T have to be artistic!

She needs help covering 4 bulletin boards with fabric and border, that will display the incredible artwork of our sweet children! She has our little ones’ special works of art ready to display, but needs help getting the display boards ready in the next TWO weeks.

Her teacher planning time is 10:15 -11:15, which she would be there to help, but if that time is not convenient, volunteers can come any time!

The bulletin boards are big, so she is hoping to find 2 to 3 helpers for this immediate project!

C’mon! Don’t we want to see our little punkins’ artwork on the walls of our school? J

If you can help, please contact me at klgaskill@verizon.net or Sue Cosgrove at Sue.Cosgrove@southlakecarroll.edu.

Thank you in advance for all that you do for our school and our children!

Kay Gaskill

CES PTO President



Picture Order Forms

I have lost my mind. You won't actually get the order forms until the proofs are in. I think I saw something about pictures go home in the Wednesday folders last week, and I assumed they were the order forms. I am SO SORRY about the confusion. If you sent money this morning, just let me know if you want me to keep it until the order forms do come in, or send it back home today.

Sorry for the confusion!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stuffed Animal Day

We have LOTS of things tomorrow:

1) Picture Day ~ Don't forget to send in your order forms!
2) Crazy Sock Day for CEF Week (These will not interfere with pictures. We are taking individual shots tomorrow that will go in the  yearbook.)
3) Stuffed Animal Day ~ We met our first Boosterthon Pledge Goal!  So tomorrow is stuffed animal day.  I told them they could bring a small stuffed animal to keep with them in class all day tomorrow!

Don't forget, the more pledges we get the more prizes we get as a class!  Also, the more states we get, the greater our chances are having a class party!

Science Test on Monday

I am sending home a study sheet for our Science Test on Monday.  We have been studying the layers of the earth, and we have learned SO MUCH information!  Today I gave them a page that has 2 different globes.  We labeled the first one with all the information they need to know for the test, and the second one is blank for them to practice at home.

I'm going to do some quick "quizzes" everyday until test day with them, so they shouldn't have to do MUCH studying at home!  I just wanted you to know that this was coming home today, and I do not need this piece of paper back!  This one is going to be your copy, and we are going to use my copy at school to review everyday in class.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Picture Day

In addition to Boosterthon, our CEF themes each day (see post from yesterday for what we are wearing each day), and our Social Studies test .... don't forget picture day is on THURSDAY!  We do not have P.E. that day, and I signed our class up for an early morning slot.

Speaking of P.E. ~ I had all intentions for them to write down our specials for the week on their September calendars today, but the Boosterthon pep rally cut our day short.  This is a normail routine in my class that they will be doing in their planners (if we ever get them!) so they (and you) know what the specials are each week. 

Social Studies Test and Boosterthon

We are having a Social Studies test on Friday, however, this is not something that you need to study for at home.  We have already learned all about communities in Chapters 1-2.  The test on Friday will be an open book test, with page numbers next to each question.  We have been talking about being a Reading Detective all week in Reader's Workshop, so everyone should do fabulous!

We had our Boosterthon kick-off today!  The goal for tonight is for everyone to get 3 pledges and enter them online before school tomorrow.  There are class incentives from me, prizes from the Boosterthon team, and parties from PTO for those classeswho raise the most pledges AND receive pledges from the most number of states!  See the information booklet that came home today (around their necks) for more information.  The Fun Run will be Thursday, September 30th at 10:30.

Have a good night!

Monday, September 20, 2010

CEF Celebration Week

This is my 3rd post today, so make sure you scroll down to catch everything :o)

In celebration of CEF Week:
Wednesday: Green Day! Wear green today to celebrate CEF!
Thursday: Silly Sock Day! Wear your silly socks to celebrate CEF!
Friday: Hat Day/Dragon Day! Wear a fun hat and your Dragon gear

Math Homework

Tonight's math homework is coming home with some help!  We made a flip book today to learn about the different properties of addition.  I am sending this home for help with their math homework tonight!  They do need to bring themback to school tomorrow because we will still be using them to help us remember these different properties!!



Hello CES parents,

It is hard to believe that the Boosterthon Fun Run is quickly approaching. Please click on the following link and you will be taken to our very own CES mini Boosterthon website http://boosterthoninfo.com/carrolldragons/. This website contains a lot of valuable information regarding the Boosterthon, including the Fun Run times for each grade. Please know that space in our cafeteria is limited so we request that parents not attend the pep rallies scheduled for next week. We look forward to another successful Fun Run. Thank you all for your help with this amazing fundraiser.


Michelle Moore and Michelle Clay

co-chairs for the CES Boosterthon

Friday, September 17, 2010

From Ms. Wagnon

I emailed a copy of this to you earlier today with pictures attaced.  I am also about to attach the pictures to the school's website since the pictures would take too much room on this post!

Dear CES Dragon Families,

We have had an awesome start to our 2010 school year. It is truly hard to believe that we have completed our first four weeks of school. There are many exciting things going on this year. This morning our cafeteria was full of dads and children for our All Pro Dad's kick off breakfast. Dads, if you were unable to attend, our next APD will be October 15th @ 7:00 A.M. We would be delighted if you can join us.

Our Newcomers luncheon and first PTO meeting was very well attended. I hope our new families were able to connect with some new friends. Thank you, PTO, for a great start to our year, the yummy luncheon yesterday and all of the work you have done over the summer months. Our school grounds look beautiful... and how about that new "We love the Dragons" fence!

Construction has officially started. I have attached a few pictures so that you can see what is going on. Yesterday they drilled for soil samples. I will keep you updated as the process continues. I want to thank you in advance for your flexibility and patience as we go through this construction project. I truly appreciate your support.

We are still working on some technology glitches. I know our marquee has been "stuck" on our Welcome Back to School message. Believe me; I want it off there too!

Thank you again for a great start. Our staff is working hard to serve you. Please email me or call if you have questions or concerns that you would like addressed.

Go Dragons!

Stacy S. Wagnon
817 -949-4300

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Math Test Friday

I addition to the skills I listed on the last post about Friday's Math Test, I wanted to give you a heads up about something else that might help!  In their Wednesday folders you should see a "Skills Practice Place Value through 99,999." This was an activity we did yesterday to review the place value part of the test.  We continued to review ALL of the objectives today, and we will review again tomorrow.  This worksheet can be a good way to see which skills your child might need more help with before Friday!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nouns Homework Tonight

Just a heads up :0)

Also ~ complete tonight's word sort.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Math Facts and Word Sorts

Math Facts ~ I sent home a math facts practice sheet today.  This does not need to be turned in to me.  Use it to help your child study for their Math Facts Quiz on Thursday.  If you receive a different practice sheet on Monday, that means your child is ready to move on.  If you receive the same one, that means we are going to practice those specific facts a little while longer.

Word Sorts ~ Everyone has their permanent envelopes today!!!  Please follow the directions as listed for each day of the week this week.  Even though this should be done every night, they only have to turn in their Writing Sort on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Math Homework: Expect math homework every Monday and Wednesday night.  As I said last week, this is going to start turning into your child's responsibility. 

Hoep you had a great weekend!

Math Test on Friday

We will have our first Unit Math Test next Friday, September 17th. Our test will cover the following information:

Patterns - (Example: 4, 6, 8, __, 12)

Standard Form - (Example: 5 thousands, 2 hundred, 8 ones = 5,208 or nine hundred sixteen = 916)

Expanded Form - (3,654 = 3,000 + 600 + 50 + 4)

Value of a number - (23,698 the value of the digit 3 is 3,000)

Order the numbers Least to Greatest - (345, 654, 1,290)

Order the numbers Greatest to Least- (1,290, 654, 345)

Values of Coins and Bills - penny, dimes, nickels, quarters, half-dollar, one and five dollar bills

We will be reviewing all these concepts in class next week. You may want to use the above examples to review at home as needed.

Friday, September 10, 2010


We had a great week this week!  I hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thursday Homework

Word Sort Homework: Follow Thursday instructions for a speed sort and a writing sort.  This does not need to be turned in tomorrow.

Writing Homework: YOU have writing homework tonight! :o)  Everyone has a pink piece of paper in their homework folders that expalins the directions.  Basically, just have a conversation with your child about how they are writing their personal narratives (not what they are writing about!)  I've given you some prompts on the pink piece of paper that will help you. 

Have a great night!

From PTO

Hello CES Parents!

Please see the attached PTO Meeting Reminder for our FIRST 2010-2011 PTO meeting! Please come join us for a Newcomer’s lunch at 12:00 (all are welcome) and the meeting will follow at 1:00 in the CES Library. If you have younger ones, they are welcome to come with you. This is a very casual setting…if you can’t come for the entire meeting, just come for as long or as little as you can. Our guest speaker this month is our Boosterthon representative, Patrick Smalley!

We have also attached the minutes from last May’s meeting, as we will approve these in this first meeting.

Also, there is still time to turn in your PTO packet information. We are extending the deadline to September 14th to get your information in the directory...don't miss it!

We look forward to seeing everyone and to serving you, our CES staff and our children!

Thanks so much!

Kay Gaskill

CES PTO President

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rainy Day!!

I can't believe how much rain came down today!  Hopefully it's going to bring some cooler weather with it.  Wishful thinking :0)

We are back on track with our spelling homework, so please make sure that Wednesday night is completed tonight.  We did this sort in class today, so it should be pretty easy!

We also have math homework tonight.  Eventually I'm going to stop reminding you about this and let start letting them learning the responsibility ... but after the day we had I'm having a hard time remembering anything!  I can only imagine how they are feeling today! :0)

Have a good night!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Spelling Homework!

We are starting our Words Their Way groups today!  Couple things that you need to know.

 #1) Their envelopes are not ready yet because our laminator is still not working.  So I am sending the words home in baggies with a copy of the directions that will usually be attached to the outside of their envelopes.  These need to travel to and from school everyday until I can start sending home their envelopes.

#2) Since we have a short week, I have told the kids to complete Monday's assignment this week.  We did a word sort and a writing sort in class, and this is the exact same thing they need to do at home tonight.  So they should bring their completed writing sort tomorrow on a piece of paper.  Tomorrow we are going to do Wednesday's sort.  (In other words ~ we are skipping Tuesday this week!)

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Busy Week!

Wow!  This week has been busy!  We have been practicing our classroom procedures all week, and I think we really got in the swing of things today.  Fridays are usually chaotic, but today was a very calm day.  (Probably because we are all a little tired!)

Have a great Labor Day Weekend! 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Curriculum Night

Thank you all for coming tonight!  As promised, here is the Curriculum Night Power Point.  For those of you that couldn't make it, you can receive all the information by viewing the power point. (Hint: You can select a full screen view by clicking on the menu button in the bottom left hand corner of the power point slide!)

Also, Dragon Pride packets will be coming home next week in the Wednesday folders.
Have a great weekend!!!

Form in Take Home Folder

I sent home a form in their take home folders this afternoon titled "Online Enrollment/myDragons/Family Access Security Authorization Form."  These will allow you to see Family Acess online and be able to check on your child's grades, but we need the information from the form in order to create your account.  

Please send these back to school as soon as you possibly can!  You can even bring them tonight!

Thank you so much!

From PTO

Hi CES Parents,

Your PTO Board members want to encourage you to please turn in you PTO First Day Packet information by tomorrow, September 3rd if you want your information in the PTO/school directory.

We also want to invite/remind everyone to come to the Newcomer’s Luncheon (everybody’s invited) on September 14th at 12:00 in the CES Library, which will be followed by our first PTO meeting beginning at 1:00. Our meetings are very casual, and it’s a great way to meet people and find out what’s going on our school! Younger siblings are welcome! Our Boostherthon Representative, Patrick Smalley, will be our guest speaker.

Finally, we need still need volunteers for many of our committees! Please consider jumping on board and helping out! It’s fun and very much appreciated by our CES Staff, our parents, and our children!

We hope everyone is off to a great start!

Thank you!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reading Logs and Calendars

We brought home our "Just Right" books today to read!  Everyone has a reading log in a special reading log folder.  The books and the reading logs need to be brought to school everyday so we can continue to use them during Reader's Workshop.

Also, everyone brought home a September calendar that is supposed to stay in their Take Home folders.  This is going to be teh communication piece of our behavior plan this year, and I will explain more about this during Curriculum Night on Thursday!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Math Homework Tonight!

We have math homework tonight!  Make sure to look inside their take home folders for the half sheet of paper for tonight's homework.  It's due tomorrow :0)


I am sending a newsletter to you today via email.  If you do not receive it, please let me know!  I'm still working on finalizing my class email list!

Hope you're having a great Monday!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Great First Week!

We had a great first week of school!  And I hope you are having a great weekend!

Don't forget that decorated Writer's Notebooks are due on Monday!  Even if they are not finished, please go ahead and send them back on Monday because we will be writing in them in class.

Also,  curriculum night is on Thurdsay night from 6-7 p.m.  Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Highlights Magazine

I sent home a subscription form for Highlights magazine today.  If you would like to order one, GREAT!  If not, that's great too.  But please send the slip back either way.  The more subscription forms I mail back (whether you check yes or no) the more points I earn to order a classroom gift for us!  I would like to mail them back tomorrow, so if you can send those back in that would be great!

Thank you!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Next Week

I sent home a letter today in theWednesday folders to remind you that curriculum night is Thursday, September 2nd from 6:00-7:00 p.m.  I hope to see you all there!  Information packets will be given to those who are unable to attend :0)

Quest Nominations for a screenings are due by September 1st.  These nominations are for new students only.  We will nominate returning students again in the spring.

Again, please do not forget to subscribe to the blog, submit your contanct and child's transportation information on the website below, and complete and return hardcopies of the information sent home in the Carroll folders on the first day of school.  (Even if you did this already electronically because the district is having some technical difficulties!)

I have enjoyed spending the past few days with your children, and I am so excited about this new school year!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day Packets

The office staff has just asked us to make sure that you fill out the hard copies that were sent home in the Carroll folders yesterday, even if you have already done this online.  Apparently there have been some technical difficulties!  Thank you for your understanding!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Great First Day!

We had a great first day today!  I am so excited about this year!

Just  couple of "beginning of the year" reminders:

1) Please make sure you have subscribed to the blog by typing your information below.

2) Send me your contact information by visiting this website.

3) I know that some of your are waiting on school supplies that you ordered this summer.  Please try to send everything that you have by Friday so we can finish organizing our desks and learning areas.  We are ready to start the year!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Welcome to our class blog! I will be using this blog to give you the latest updates, reminders, and insight into what we are doing in class!

This page will be linked to my DragonSpace page. DragonSpace is where you will find calendars, additional websites that we will be usining in class and at home, and documents and videos that I have posted as resources. Any additional resources that are added will be posted on this blog so you will know to look for it!  More information about how to access DragonSpace will be coming home shortly.  Until then, I will email you a newsletter with important dates and information.

I need 2 pieces of very important information from you:

1) Please go to this website to input your contact information and your child's transportation arrangements.  After you click submit, the information will be sent directly to me.  Completing this form is very important before the first day of school so that I know how to contact you if needed.

2) Please subscribe to the blog by completing the information below. By subscribing, you will receive email notifications each day the blog is updated. You can also check the blog throughout the day to see the posts before you receive the daily email.

I'm so excited that your child is in my class, and I'm looking forward to a great year!

Mrs. Wilson